Dear NSL PIs and Users,
The equipment and staff at NSL are partially funded by the funds obtained by the OSU Center for Emergent Materials (CEM)
which is funded by a National Science Foundation MRSEC award DMR-2011876.
NSF closely examines the impact such funding investment makes on the scientific research. The number of scientific publications
that acknowledge NSF DMR-2011876 award is the central criterion used for such evaluation. The ability to effectively correlate
the use of the facility with the publications directly affects the ability of CEM to attract new funding and, in turn,
enhance/support the services provided by NSL.
In this light, we ask the user of the facilities to remember to acknowledge the NSF funding DMR-2011876 in the publications
that benefited from NSL use by using the following language:
“Partial funding for the OSU NanoSystems Laboratory shared facilities used in this research was provided by the
Center for Emergent Materials: an NSF MRSEC under award number DMR-2011876.”
While the exact language can be modified to suite the needs of the publication, it is essential that the award number DMR-2011876
appears correctly. The NSF will not credit CEM for publications if the grant number is missing or incorrect.
We thank you for your cooperation and assistance on this matter.